The Comox Valley team of the Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CV-CAVI) is a collaborative initiative on rainwater/stormwater management that has been underway for eight years. The team is composed of representatives from the City of Courtenay, Town of Comox, Village of Cumberland, the Comox Valley Regional District, the Comox Valley Land Trust, TimberWest, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Partnership for Water Sustainability BC.
CV-CAVI is working to develop consistency of expectations in how development can mitigate negative impacts on watersheds, as well as creating an awareness around the role every citizen that lives in the valley can play in achieving or maintaining a healthy watershed.
The CAVI Water Balance Express Tool has been developed with The Partnership for Water Sustainability and other local governments throughout BC. Want to learn more? Check out waterbucket.ca
Water Balance Model Express Contributors
Comox Valley Project Watershed, Morrison Creek Streamkeepers, Tsolum River Restoration Society, the Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society, The Little River Enhancement Society, Oyster River Enhancement Society, Millard-Piercy Watershed Stewards, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Contacts for all the contributors can be found: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sep-pmvs/advisors-conseillers/02-07-vi-cent-n-eng.html